The Beginning of a Love Story

This time of year always makes me sentimental. Although we had crossed paths briefly months before, we officially met and started to build a relationship in January and the beginning of February. So it only seems right for us to start to share our love story from 12 years ago for Flashback Friday! Here are some excerpts from our sorry that I wrote for our 10th anniversary!

January 14, 2008: I was doing homework in my room when I heard a guy from our church, who was helping my roommate with her mechanical engineering homework, playing guitar and singing a song he wrote. I decided to not be so anti social and go listen, and that’s when I met Jacob, a cute nerd who was a bit bitter about girls. We had our first argument about whether a guy could get a girl by playing the guitar and singing to her. I’ve been proving him wrong ever since!

January 16, 2008: I was leaving the library when I saw my crush sitting by the door. I was deciding whether I should initiate the conversation or see if he eventually would, when I saw my roommate and stopped to talk while I decided what to do. She just happened to be telling Jacob that she changed her major from mechanical engineering, and wanting to waste more time I asked Jacob to tell me a story. An hour and a half later and many fun topic changes, we walked home together. No I never thought of that other boy again. I did wonder why I couldn’t be myself on dates like I was talking to Jacob, and thought if Jacob asked me out I would for sure say yes! Jacob thought about asking me out right then, which the previous week he told his roommates he was NOT going on any dates the entire semester, but he didn’t remember my name and wanted to make sure I wasn’t a freshman first.

January 22, 2008: I went to the library hoping to see Jacob, luckily Jacob went to see me and we met going up to the third floor. After talking for 3 hours and with a few minutes before he had to leave Jacob said, “Do you want to see me get nervous?….Will you have dinner with me this week?” I melted, how cute is he!? After he left I couldn’t concentrate and literally skipped home, I was SO excited! I wrote in my journal about how comfortable it is with him, how he’s knowledgeable with the gospel, sweet, funny, smart and hard working but makes me feel smart and special; he seemed too good to be true!

January 26, 2008: Jacob and I went on our last first date! We bumped into each other at the library and talked for 2 hours, left for an hour, then he came to pick me up. We drove 30 miles and ate at Applebee’s, both of us were exited for the extra time that would give us to talk (and he didn’t realize there was one in town). It was a fine date, conversation was smooth, nothing horrible happened, but by the time I walked into my apartment I was sure things wouldn’t work out between us. 1. He tried to take me home at 9, did he want to get rid of me already!? Luckily we sat talking for 2 more hours. 2. He’s skinny and couldn’t protect me with his weaksauce hugs and being afraid of the dark and spiders. 3. His family is super smart, I could never fit in, and his mom is amazing, no where like me. 4. He wanted to name his kids Toaster and Pillowcase. I liked him as a person, but I was not going to pursue anything, it just wouldn’t work. Lesson to learn, don’t be TOO honest on a first date! Side note: he was trying to be respectful of my time, he’s not as skinny, hugs are way better, he kills all the spiders for me, I somehow fit into his family, and all our kids have normal names.

January 27, 2008: It was a Sunday, I spoke in church. Jacob, who was unsure about his feelings for me, heard it and thought, “She just makes me happy, I’m going to go for it.” Unfortunately I still felt it would go no where and to not waste either of our time, I snubbed him. Twice. The second time, at choir, it was one of the most awkward moments of my life, there was no questioning what I was doing. So I went on with my day, until I heard the news President Hinckley (a beloved leader) died, then all I wanted to do was talk with Jacob. I know it doesn’t make sense, but I was sad that he didn’t text or call when really that’s all I wanted to do, talk to Jacob. I decided maybe I didn’t really know the future, but I knew I wouldn’t be ok until I contacted him. And since I had ignored him to his face earlier that day, I did the least amount of effort I could; I texted him. It took him 2 seconds, he figured I opened the door he was going to run with it, and he called me. We didn’t talk long, but I was much happier and at peace after talking to him! He snuck his way into my heart without either of us knowing it!

January 28, 2008: I left my apartment determined to not plan my future but to go with the flow and enjoy whatever comes as it pertains to Jacob. That night I got this adorable email from Jacob (#3) and after I responded (#4) saying I was at the library doing homework, he totally called me out about avoiding him by not being on the third floor! (I wasn’t sure how I felt yet and I really needed to get homework done) After multiple emails, we walked home together and although I wasn’t planning anything I sure was getting attached! Speaking of which, before our first date I emailed him (#1) and soon after looked up from my computer and saw him sitting close to another girl looking at her computer. I then proceeded to eat everything I could find in my backpack to hide my feelings. Luckily he sent me an email (#2) explaining he was helping a friend with homework shortly after, just in case I had seen him. And yes I did compile all our emails we wrote back and forth.

January 29, 2008: Jacob called me to ask me out on a second date, but I had to suddenly go before he could actually ask me. He didn’t think he could muster up the courage to call again so after pacing on campus he walked to the store to get ice cream. Luckily I called back when I could, while he was at the store, and after a little bit of conversation he finally asked me out for the following Friday.

February 1, 2008 was arguably my favorite date ever! The idea was to make a model of a Zipline between our two apartment complexes. We started out at the D.I. but couldn’t find anything and ended up getting an Arthur figure (we both love the cartoon) at Walmart on clearance. We built the model in a classroom on campus then ate Taco Bell at my apartment complex. It doesn’t sound that spectacular, but it’s so us: thrift store, clearance, a little sentimental, and a lot of laughter, conversation, and deep friendship. I honestly think that’s the night I started to fall in love, it for sure was the first time I really thought of Jacob in my future. Also fun fact: while driving passed the movie theater, Jacob brought up a movie he knew I loved to see if I would initiate another date, I took the bait and told him we should see it tomorrow night. It was his way of knowing if I was actually interested in him.

2 thoughts on “The Beginning of a Love Story

  1. This was super sweet to read. “Want to see me get nervous?”
    Glad your kids are not Toaster and Pillowcase.
    What is “Quad Out?”
    Did the zipline work? I can just imagine you 2 sending things back and forth through the air.

    1. I know and our kids have really traditional names! Quad out…I was trying to be funny, taking a spin on peace out. 🤷😄. The Zipline that we built was between cardboard boxes, and works fantastically! We actually get the figure and Zipline out every year around the same time and connect it to different places around the house to remember that date. We’re cute like that! 😉💕

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